Overland Apologetics provides apologetics training and support to believers who desire to develop a deeper intellectual strength for their faith.
Our teaching process is a systematic study of apologetics, and of foundational theological concepts. Our students will develop a thorough understanding of Christian Apologetics while maintaining focus on God’s word.
You can read more about Apologetics and how our ministry approaches this study on our About Us page.
When considering taking a deeper dive in the defense of the faith it’s important to keep in mind that apologetics is a branch of theology. Specifically, it’s the branch that provides rational warrant for the truth claims of Christianity. In other words, I’m not crazy for placing my trust in the ideas and historical events the Bible says are real.
In a small group setting, I typically utilize a 5-step path with one of the following suggested texts:
If you’d like to preview Pastor Joseph’s sermons and teachings on apologetics, you’ll find our video library very helpful!
Husband, pastor and father of five, Joseph is a passionate apologist on the East Coast of Central Florida. He currently serves as a Chapter Director for Space Coast Stand to Reason (STR Outpost) and the Space Coast Chapter of Reasonable Faith Ministries.
Joseph is the founder and president of Overland Apologetics, Inc. a brand-new ministry that combines vehicle camping “off the grid” with compelling sessions teaching tactical ways to understand and defend the Christian World View.
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